Raazia is a Fiction writer
Her work has appeared in Dawn’s Young World, On the Premises, C. Hope Clark’s Writing Kid, Sweet Designs Magazine, Reedsy and Chapter and Verse.
Some of her stories have placed in contests, like Times of Oman‘s nationwide literary contest (honorable mention), ZHR Writing Prize (longlist), Salam Award (runner-up), On the Premises’ mini story contest (second place) and short story contest (honorable mention), and Gutsy Great Novelists‘ Chapter One Prize (notable mention).
Raazia’s first novel, Biryani and Tahchin, was released in 2024 and published by Reverie Publishers.
Relatable and thought-provoking
Every piece of Raazia’s writing comes from a very personal seedling. There has never been a writing of hers that I have found impersonal. That is the essence of her writing. Sometimes her writing is triggering, but in an unaware, thought-provoking kind of way. Raazia’s writing is relatable for people: a very rare quality. I always read Raazia’s work either to be provoked by the trigger or be comforted in the relatability.
Heartbreaking and Relatable
Raazia’s stories are beautiful, vivid and heartbreaking at the same time. I always look forward to discussing them with her. The ending of ‘Donya’ (2021) actually brought tears to my eyes, it was too relatable. Thank you for writing.
Excerpts from Raazia’s work
Welcome to Tehran: the city of contrasts. Where immodest dressing is punishable by law and yet the socially-acceptable level of PDA is surprisingly high. Where people drive like maniacs then pull over at the Wall of Kindness to leave spare clothes for strangers.
Therapy, Copyright 2021 by Raazia Sajid
During saffron season in Aban (late October to mid-November), Baba would take me to his family’s village in Khorasan province. I loved not knowing which morning I’d wake up to him gently shaking me. “Donyaam,” he’d whisper. My donya. My world.
Donya, Copyright 2021 by Raazia Sajid
Welcome to Tehran: the city of contrasts. Where immodest dressing is punishable by law and yet the socially-acceptable level of PDA is surprisingly high. Where people drive like maniacs then pull over at the Wall of Kindness to leave spare clothes for strangers.
Therapy, Copyright 2021 by Raazia Sajid
During saffron season in Aban (late October to mid-November), Baba would take me to his family’s village in Khorasan province. I loved not knowing which morning I’d wake up to him gently shaking me. “Donyaam,” he’d whisper. My donya. My world.
Donya, Copyright 2021 by Raazia Sajid
raazia is looking for beta readers
are you interested in reading advance copies of raazia’s work and giving feedback? let her know!
History, swiftly fading: Bhaun Village
The rest of the village is like stepping into the past. Narrow lanes, dogs lazing in the sun, wooden carved doors and balconies, yellow brick, archways, a marriage hall (Janj Ghar). I lack the technical vocabulary to describe it, but I am familiar with neglect. It is dusty and covered with cobwebs, paint peeling, wood crumbling.