Have you always wanted to learn English but just never found the right teacher?

Were you never confident enough to give your IELTS?

Do you need someone to edit or proofread your academic papers?

Get in touch today for a FREE consultation!


Let me make the english language fun for you.

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Work Samples

Showcasing my creative and professional abilities through my work samples.

Editing Samples

Biomedical sciences report editing


Fiction editing and notes


Scientific report editing


Technical news article editing


Thesis editing sample



Frequently asked questions

Preparing for the IELTS has two parts:

1. Making sure you’re at the English proficiency level needed for your target score.

2. Learning strategies, tips & tricks, and familiarizing yourself with the IELTS exam format.

If you’ve got 1. covered, then only for part 2. for most students 20 sessions are sufficient, provided you do supervised practice tests between sessions.

If you also need to work on your proficiency, how much time you need depends on a variety of factors, namely: how much time you’re willing to put in, and how far you are from your target score.

Send me an email on hello@raaziasajid.com Give me as many details about the services you require, like:

For English learning: your target, your timeline and how much time you can afford to put in

For editing: number of words, a writing sample, type of editing required and deadline.

1. Development editing considers the big picture. Does the paper/book make sense? Do the ideas flow clearly? Are there any major logical flaws?
2. Copy/line editing focuses on grammar, word choice, and polishing overall writing quality.
Editor goes through your writing line by line. Takes the most time.
3. Mechanical editing / proofreading as a final step checks for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. For academic editing, this step also checks conformity to your style (MLA, APA, Chicago)

I have found this a foolproof method to permanently fix grammar mistakes. First, identify your weak areas. Make notes/flashcards/tables of those rules. Memorize them. Lastly, Use them. Look at the notes while you work on activities, workbooks and speaking practice that use this grammar. Repeat this until you no longer need the notes!

Immerse yourself in the English language. This could mean different things to different people, for example changing the language of your phone, moving to a place with native speakers, speaking the language with friends, reading English books, watching English TV shows/movies.

raazia is looking for beta readers

are you interested in reading advance copies of raazia’s work and giving feedback? let her know!