Featured Article
A writing contest for Pakistani women
The Zeenat Haroon Rashid Writing Prize closes submissions on 30th June 2023.
History, swiftly fading: Bhaun Village
The rest of the village is like stepping into the past. Narrow lanes, dogs lazing in the sun, wooden carved doors and balconies, yellow brick, archways, a marriage hall (Janj Ghar). I lack the technical vocabulary to describe it, but I am familiar with neglect. It is dusty and covered with cobwebs, paint peeling, wood crumbling.
A fully-funded 5 day workshop for young writers in Pakistan
Writing seriously in Pakistan is a rare sight, and any work being done in that direction is commendable. The annual LUMS Young Writers workshop founded in 2012 is one such amazing opportunity. Deadline to apply: May 25, 2024.
My thoughts on ‘The Return of the Butterfly’ by Moni Mohsin
Do not be fooled by the heels on the cover or the seemingly illiterate, housewife narrator: this is a serious story about politics. Moni Mohsin’s writing is full of translated Urdu expressions, Urdu phrases written in transliteration, and such a beautiful Pakistani butchering of the English language, that I am in awe.
Your Art Matters
Your work has impact. In tiny ways that touch a heart, or in big bestseller ways. I am here today because of authors’ and artists’ art that impacted me. And I intend to pass it on.